Taichi Yagami

Taichi Yagami or better known as Tai Kamiya who is an 11 year old or in 5th grade when the Digimon Adventure's adventure starts. He is the unofficial leader of the group of the DigiDestined kids who arrived there as well. He is also known as the brother of Hikari Yagami or Kari Kamiya, who is also a DigiDestined.
In the series, Taichi is known as the adventurous,happy go lucky,stubborn but naive character among the group. As the unofficial leader, his stubborn and hot-tempered attitude makes him not listen to his group to make a plan. He almost always acts in a rash and stubborn way without realizing the consequences of his actions. He is also the bearer of the CREST OF COURAGE(wich means bravery). Taichi's digimon would be Agumon. He is voiced by Toshiko Fujita in Japanese, while being voiced by Joshua Seth in English.

This is Taichi in Digimon Adventure 02. By this time,Taichi has grown more mature and emotionally this time. He also has no longer an unhealthy relationships with Matt Ishida. He also lends his Goggles to Daisuke or Davis. So he no longer has his trademark with him.(chuckles)

By the year 2027, Taichi has became a United Nations diplomat for the Digital World. He has a son who's partner is Koromon. His son also has the same spikey hair as he used to have. Tai's wife isn't mentioned.

Tai with his son holding a Koromon,while he and Agumon.

Tai's Digivice

The Crest Of Courage
Taichi Yagami ProfileName: Taichi Yagami( Japanese ) Tai Kamiya ( English )
Age: 11 years old,5th grader (DA01) 14 years old,8th grader (DA02)
Trait: Courage
Digimon: Agumon
Voiced: Jason Spisak (DA02)
Joshua Seth (DA01)
Toshiko Fujita (Japanese)
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