Yamato Ishida
Yamato Ishida or better known as Matt Ishida starts out as a secretive loner.He is 11 years old,which is as the same age as Tai and Sora. In the digimon series, he also has a younger brother named TK Takaishi. In the English dub, they were known as half brothers because of their family name are different. Turns out, that Matt has the same mom and dad as TK does. After knowing this, he starts to be very protective to TK. He often acts harsh whenever TK is in trouble. He was voiced by Yuuto Kazama in the Japanese and Micheal Reisz in the English dub.
In the series, he always liked better to be alone than being with others except his brother,TK. In an episode, TK has succesfully acts mature so he thought of leaving the DigiDestined. But sooner, they catch up with him, and learn to fit in with the others. He is also the bearer of The Crest Of Friendship.( I never know why ). His partner digimon is Gabumon,who is always loyal to him, and very loving.
In the second series,Matt, who is now 14 years old, became a vocalist and the bass player for a rock band called "The Teenage Wolves" . He was very popular and many girls always came up running to him to get his autograph as if he is a celebrity. Now, he no longer has an unhealthy relationship with Tai. FYI, one of the DigiDestined, Davis Motomiya has a sister who also is one of the fans of Matt. He always lied to her so that the secret that Davis is a DigiDestined won't be revealed.
By the year 2027,Matt and Gabumon became an astronaut and became the first man and digimon to land on Mars though they were supposed to land on Moon. He now, married Sora and now has a daughter and a son.

In the series, he always liked better to be alone than being with others except his brother,TK. In an episode, TK has succesfully acts mature so he thought of leaving the DigiDestined. But sooner, they catch up with him, and learn to fit in with the others. He is also the bearer of The Crest Of Friendship.( I never know why ). His partner digimon is Gabumon,who is always loyal to him, and very loving.

One time,when he was going to tell Davis's family,that Davis will be gone for a while(which is a lie),Jun said that she knew that he was lying and blackmailed him into going on a date. She also wanted to go camping with him, but he lied to her again and left her behind. Unfortunately,she succeeded tracking him down to the campground herself.

Matt Ishida Profile
Name: Matt Ishida
Age: 11 years old
14 years old
Trait: The Crest Of Friendship
Digimon: Gabumon
Voiced By: Yuuto Kazama
Micheal Reisz
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