Koushiro Izumi
Koushiro Izumi or betterly known as Izzy Izumi, right here is 10 years old which is in the same age as Mimi Tachikawa. Koushiro is a computer expert and spends a lot of his time with his computer instead of his family. This is because one night, he heard his adoptive parents talking about his real parents died in a car crash. Starting that moment, he decided to distance himslf from his parents and focusing on his computer. The problem is now resolved when his parents come forward with the truth and he accepts them as his true parents. He was voiced by Umi Tenjin in the Japanese and Mona Marshall in the English dub. His partner digimon is Tentomon,which he nicknamed him Tento.
Izzy Izumi, now is the president of the computer club in his school. He is the one who often gives information to the other DigiDestined like when is the portal opened, he will alert them. With Willis, he figured out that the new digivices has 3 new functions which lead him to the name: D-3. And so, he oftenly uses the school's computer lab to move in and out of the computer lab.
Izzy, Tentomon with his daughter and Motimon.
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