Jyou Kido

Jyou Kido, or in the English dub was thought as Joe Kido(actually the same only each of the series). Joe is the eldest among all of the DigiDestined so he felt he was in charge of everything for the fact that he is the most clumsiest among all(You must thought he should be the leader not Tai). He, in the Japanese has two brothers named Shiin and Shuu. But, in the English dub, Shiin and Shuu was combined to be Jim(a brother only. His father planned for him and his brother(s) to each of them being a doctor following the tradition of his family.
Joe is always worried about his sorrounding and so received the Crest Of Reliability. His digimon would be Gommamon the always cheerful and always tells him to look on the bright side of everything, and he was voiced by Masami Kikuchi in Japanese and Michael Lindsay in English dub.

When Joe was in the second series, he was already 15 years old and always can't make it to the meetings because of his tests. He was hardworking into finding him a college. So, his appearence wasn't always in the second series.

By the year 2027, Joe became a doctor for Digimon(almost close to what his father wanted) although his patients kept eating his tongue depressers. He has a son who has a Bukamon but his wife is never mentioned(ever). His brother, is working with Izzy and Professor Takenouchi to find out more about the Digital World. His tradition, has continued.

Joe with his son who looks a lot like him( they are saying
Joe: Just stay clean ok?
Gommamon: No! Go in for the mud!)

Joe's Digivice

The Crest Of Reliability
Jyou Kido Profile
Name: Jyou Kido
Age: 12 years old
15 years old
Trait: The Crest Of Reliability
Digimon: Gommamon
Voiced by: Masami Kikuchi
Micheal Lindsay
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