Hikari Yagami or as you all known as Kari Kamiya, the sister of Taichi Yagami is the last DigiDestined to arrive. She was supposed to go to summer camp as well as the other DigiDestined but unfortunately stuck at home with a flu. This character is kind and sweet-hearted, always looking for the best in people, and avoids fighting them when possible. She can be serious, especially in drastic situations!!! Her digimon is Gatomon, which is separated from the others by Myotismon's attack. Her trait is Crest Of Light. She was voiced by Lara Jill Miller in the English dub and Kae Araki in the Japanese.

When in Digimon Adventure 02, Kari had grown. Instead of her whistle(that she gave to Gatomon) around her neck, now she has a camera. She now is more mature, perkier and braver. She likes taking pictures,sometimes playing practical jokes and teasing her friends. Because Davis has a crush on her, she often teases him by flirting with Takeru and ignoring him talking(TK doesn't mind-also the reason why Davis hates him).

By the year 2027, Kari became a kindergarten teacher and a son who has a Salamon. This picture resembles Kari and her son. However, her spouse is unknown.

Hikari's digivice

Hikari's D-3

The Crest of Light
Hikari Yagami Profile

Name: Hikari Yagami
Age: 8 years old
11 years old
Trait: The Crest Of Light
Digimon: Gatomon
Voiced by: Kae Araki
Lara Jill Miller
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