Takeru Takaishi

Takeru Takaishi, the youngest in the DigiDestined before Kari arrived. However, he was independent, only Yamato Ishida(his brother) worries too much. In the English dub, they were said as half brothers but they are really real brothers. How? Simple. When they were little, their parents divorced. It somehow many much affected Yamato but not to Takeru maybe because he was just little when that happened. This kid was voiced by Hiroko Konishi in the first Digimon Adventure in Japanese while he was voiced by Wendee Lee in the English dub.
Takeru was also the first one to lose his digimon during the battle between Angemon and Devimon. Angemon successfully defeated Devimon but ended up dissapearing and turning into a Digi-Egg. He also succeeded to proving to the other DigiDestined by taking a critical shot to defeat Puppetmon and got out of his house. He has the Digimon Patamon which is one of the Angel Digimon(which will later turn to Angemon) and also the bearer of the Crest Of Hope.

In the second digimon series, Takeru is still among one of the second group of DigiDestined with Kari. He now has gotten taller from his original size. This time, he was voiced by Taisuke Yamamoto in Japan and Doug Erholtz in the English dub. At the start of April, he and his mother moved to Odaiba, with Takeru attending Odaiba Elementary in the same class as Davis and his good friend Kari. Because he and Kari are already good friends, Takeru immediately becomes the rival (and sometimes friend) of a paranoid Davis. He doesn't mind actually. But Davis never listens to him(maybe because of Kari).

By the year 2027, Takeru became an author writing a book all about their experiences in Digimon(kind of like his diary when he writes them, he is also the narrator for the Epilogue). He is now married, and has a son who has a Tokomon.

Takeru and his son holding a Tokomon(could not see it) while Patamon is sitting on his son's head.
Takeru's Digivice


The Crest of Hope

Takeru Takaishi Profile
Name: Takeru Takaishi
Age: 8 years old
11 years old
Trait: The Crest Of Hope
Digimon: Patamon
Voiced by: Hiroko Konishi(DA1)
Wendee Lee(DA1)
Taisuke Yamamoto(DA2)
Doug Erholtz(DA2)
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